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High Holy Days 5785

We can't wait to celebrate 5785 with you and your family!

We highly encourage you to register ahead of time for security purposes. Attendance is FREE for all members. To register/learn more about our diverse programming, click on the below links.

This page will update with additional information throughout the season. Stay tuned!


We ask that anyone who plans to attend High Holy Day services register in advance for security purposes. 
Registration is FREE for all members. We request a $250 donation for each non-member guest.
You must be logged in to your ShulCloud account to register. 

If you are not a member and are interested in attending, please contact our office 410-358-0105.

The attached form requires you to be logged in. Please login using the form below:


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We are happy to provide babysitting services during most of our High Holy Day programming. The cost is $10 per child for both days and a maximum charge of $30. 

Our babysitting services are for children ages 0-5. We have additional Youth Programming for children ages 6-12.

Please provide an extra change of clothes and any other items your child(ren) may need while in our care (e.g. diapers, wipes, bottles, sippy cups). Please label ALL items. 

If you have any questions, please contact Meredith Zuckerman at

We charge a maximum of $30. 

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Youth Programming

We are offering programming for children ages 5-12 on the morning of Rosh Hashanah Day 1 (Oct 3) and the morning of Yom Kippur (Oct 12).

Please fill out a separate form for each child you plan to register.

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Tot Services

We are offering Tot Services from 8:45-9:15am on both Rosh Hashanah (Oct 3) and Yom Kippur (Oct 12). This programming is specifically for children ages 0-5. 

Please note: This event is specifically for children ages 0-5.
Please note: This event is specifically for children ages 0-5.

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Serve HSOSC. Bring the magic of the High Holy Days to Life. And have fun!

If you would like to volunteer as an usher, greeter, or registrar, please email Barry Yaffe ( or Kurt Linkoff ( indicating your preferred date(s) and role (more info below). 

We will need volunteers for Erev Rosh Hashanah Service (Oct 2), Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Service (Oct 3), RH Day 2 Service (Oct 4), Kol Nidre (Oct 11), and Yom Kippur Morning and Afternoon Services (Oct 12). 


  • Ushers are generally positioned in the lobby near the main sanctuary or other venues where events are occurring.  Ushers seek out and help congregants find a seat; they provide books and other materials, and answer questions about the event and make the congregants feel welcome.
  • Greeters are generally positioned outside the main doors of HSOSC so they can meet and greet new arrivals and direct them to the registration table in the lobby, or to the doors of the sanctuary, as appropriate.
  • Registrars are seated at the registration table set up near the entrance to a service. They check-off the list of congregants who have pre-registered and register those who have not.

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Sukkot and Simchat Torah


Sunday, October 13
9:30am: Sukkah Decorating for Families (with breakfast) | Register here

Thursday, October 17
10:00am: Sukkot Services | Register here
6:30pm: Brotherhood's Shake, Sip, Slice and Schmooze in the Sukkah | Register here

Friday, October 18
6:15pm: Erev Shabbat Service (Pre-neg in Sukkah starts at 5:30) | Register here

Saturday, October 19
7:30pm: Bubble Ball Bash for Teens at Baltimore Hebrew  | Register here

Sunday, October 20
12:00pm: Sukkot BBQ (sponsored by the Brotherhood) | Register here
5:30pm: Women's Club and CAYA Event in the Sukkah | Register here

Tuesday, October 22
10:15am: Torah Tuesdays in the Sukkah | Register here

Thursday, October 24
10:00am: Festival Service with Yizkor | Register here

Friday, October 25
6:15pm: Congregation-Wide Shir L'Dorot Shabbat: Simchat Torah Celebration (with HSOSC band) | Register here

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Thu, February 6 2025 8 Sh'vat 5785