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There is nothing more beautiful than welcoming someone into the Covenant of Judaism. Either through birth, or conversion. 

Conversion is not a simple process. The path can be long and arduous, and we at HSOSC are happy to walk with you along the way. A good place to start the journey is to read up on various conversion articles and resources from the Union for Reform Judaism (you can read here). We also suggest taking an introduction to Judaism class. Local organizations like the Jewish Community Center occasionally host these classes, or you can take an online course through the URJ (learn more here).

Most importantly, conversion to Judaism requires a commitment to Jewish community. This involves regularly attending services, synagogue events, holiday celebrations, and classes. If you are ready to involve yourself with Jewish community, we would love for you to join ours. 

To start, join us for Shabbat services, or email Rabbi Sabath ( 

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784