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Annual Fund 2023-24

Dear Friends,

Our world has been turned upside down in the past weeks with the savage attack on Israel. Our community has responded by coming together to support each other in meaningful ways. I was away on vacation when the massacre occurred and came home early because the only place I could imagine being was at HSOSC…with our community. Rabbi Sabath and Cantor Marcus have been gathering us to pray, sing, cry, learn and support Israel and her people.  Israel needs our support and dollars more than ever, and so does Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation. 

As we move forward into 5784 and our 5th year as Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation, we should celebrate all our beloved Congregation has accomplished. Rabbi Sabath and Cantor Marcus recently renewed their contracts with us, ensuring that this amazing clergy team continues to lead us at HSOSC for years to come.  We have a dedicated hard-working staff and committed lay leaders and volunteers all continuing to work together in sacred partnership to build a relevant and vibrant reform Jewish Congregation.

As I said on Yom Kippur, we are blessed to stand on the shoulders of those who so generously gave in the past to fund our endowment.   Like most synagogues, our recurring revenue (dues, tuitions, and fees) along with a standard endowment draw covers just under 60% of our annual expenses.   Although we are all working diligently to manage costs while still offering the same quality and breadth of programming, the world situation and potential threats require us to increase security more than we ever imagined. This year, more than ever, the dollars we raise through the Annual Fund are essential to our sustainability and key to our continued strength and success. Every gift truly makes a difference.

I am asking you to please make a meaningful gift to our Annual Fund this year.

Donate because you believe in who and what we are.  Donate in honor or memory of a loved one, donate in memory of those who were murdered in Israel, or just donate because you want HSOSC to thrive.  Stretch yourself a little or a lot. Give if you did not make a gift last year. If you gave last year, I thank you and ask you to consider an increase this year.  Make Har Sinai - Oheb Shalom Congregation one of your significant charitable contributions this year.  Ensure we are here for you during moments of celebration and challenge. 

This is a special and unique community we have created and we are incredibly fortunate to share it with each other.

You may make your contribution by mailing your check to HSOSC or filling out the below form.

With deepest gratitude and prayers for Israel,
Abby Hoffman

P.S. Again I want to thank you for making Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation a priority.

Donate: Annual Fund


Thu, February 6 2025 8 Sh'vat 5785