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SPICE: Endless Wars in the Middle East: Where, Who, and Why Zoom only

Past Sessions
Thursday, February 22, 2024 13 Adar I 5784 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2024 6 Adar I 5784 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday, February 8, 2024 29 Sh'vat 5784 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday, February 1, 2024 22 Sh'vat 5784 - 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

$48 ($60 non-HSOSC member)

Part 1: Overview of primary conflict zones and demarcation of geopolitical fault lines Real friends, convenient friends, fake friends – real enemies, convenient enemies, fake enemies Introduction to diplomacy: track 1, track 2, track 3 Confidentiality, secrecy, and plausible deniability. Select case studies with special focus on Israel, USA, Russia, China, Iran, and the Gulf monarchies

Part 2: Hostages and the economics of war War profits: warlords, enablers, and victims Trade in human beings, weapons, drugs, commodities Understanding incentives Case study: sex trafficking in war zones: the economics of criminal rings and their target customers Financial institutions: useful idiots or eager participants? Special focus on the laundering of Captagon profits and Ghaddafi billions Weaponizing refugees

Part 3: Alliances: the good, the bad, and the ugly Iran and its affiliates: Lebanon (Hezbollah), Iraq, Yemen (Houthi), Gaza (Hamas) My personal journey: from the IDF to coffee with Qasem Soleimani and a night with Hassan Nasrallah Case study of clandestine cooperation among enemies: the rescue of a US hostage in Southeast Asia

Part 4: A better way Principle 1: Understanding incentives and aligning interests Principle 2: Balance and scale diplomacy Principle 3: Identifying traps and eliminating solution assassins Case study 1: USA-China (Taiwan, DPRK) Case study 2a: Israel-Iran Case study 2b: Israel-Palestine

Daniel Levin was born in Israel and spent his early years as the son of a diplomat in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Following his law studies and an initial academic career, he has spent the last twenty-five years working with governments and development institutions worldwide, focusing on economic development and political reform through financial literacy, political inclusion, and constitutional initiatives. He is also engaged in track 3 diplomacy, mediation efforts, and hostage negotiations in war zones in his capacity as executive member of the board of the Liechtenstein Foundation for State Governance.

Registration Information:
All SPICE courses must be registered for and paid for in their entirety. SPICE fees are per head, not per household, with a 50% off fee for second registrants within the same household. A minimum of 15 enrollees per course are required in order to hold the course. If a course must be cancelled, those registered will be notified and a SPICE credit will be issued.

Reservations may be made via email to or by telephone to Sherri Bell, SPICE Chair at 410-303-2483. Payment may be made in one of three ways:

1. Check Mail it to Sherri Bell 1 Clifton Court Pikesville, MD 21208 Your check should be made payable to Har Sinai-Oheb Shalom Congregation with SPICE and the course name written on the memo line.

2. Credit card Please note that the synagogue charges a 3.1% credit card use convenience fee.

3. Bill your synagogue account Members only.

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Thu, January 23 2025 23 Tevet 5785