Join TOPAZ at the Ronald McDonald House of Maryland
Monday, April 25, 2022 • 24 Nisan 5782
4:30 PM - 7:30 PMRonald McDonald House of MarylandHSOSC has had the opportunity to continue its involvement with the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Maryland (RMHC), a home away from home for families with critically ill children. RMHC provides a place for families to stay while their children are in local hospitals receiving life-altering treatments. Volunteers prepare meals, host activities, decorate, and so much more to relieve stress and allow families to focus on their children.
Headed by Ilene Pyser with the support of the Social Action Committee, HSOSC congregants prepare and serve dinner for families at RMHC. The number of volunteers at the House are limited due to COVID, so having these home cooked meals means everything to the families. It gives them a peace of mind after a long day at the hospital.
If you’re interested in helping at the April 25th dinner, or at a future dinner, contact Ilene Pyser. Spaces are limited, proof of vaccination required by RMHC.
Join members of TOPAZ at the Ronald McDonald House of Maryland to prepare & serve dinner various times throughout the year.
(Spaces are limited, all volunteers must be fully vaccinated and wear masks the entire time.)
Please Contact Ilene Pyser:
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